Thursday, December 12, 2013

Kinetic Typography

Here is my first shot at motion graphics! After Effects was foreign ground for me before this project. This is kinetic typography for Aziz Ansari on texting with girls. :) Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Modeling is art... right?

Well, it's finals week, which for every college student means frantically shoving massive amounts information into our brains in hopes that we will retain it long enough to pass the exams. For art students, it also means putting out work, a lot of work, for numerous projects and attempting to stay inspired for the next seven hellish days of the semester.

That being said, for this photo shoot I had to improvise, as I could not find a willing model to give up their study time for an art project.

So, I teamed up with my mom, and this is what we came up with. Modeling is art.

I have such respect for professional models who are able to move and control their bodies in such a way that allows the photographer to capture a beautiful image. I have a little bit of experience in modeling, and I love using it as a method of self expression.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Photography Fun

So, this I am just getting started on my latest Graphic Design III project. It will be a compilation of photographs; most of them involving body paint and text. The text will read "Design that needed guts from the creator and still carries the ghost of these guts in the final execution". This is the motto of Stefan Sagmeister, the graphic designer in which the book is based on and inspired by. Can't wait to shoot more!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Typeface Design

App Icon

The first app is inspired by the word "x-ray". The app would function as a database of movies. It would include basic information about the movies, trivia, movie trailers, and photographs. The main function of the app would be to provide behind-the-scenes information. 

The second app was inspired by the word "swim". The app would function as a fitness planner and diary. The user would log his/her swim time and distance, and the app would generate personal plans according to each user's goals. 

The third app was inspired by the word "palace". The app would function as a finder for shows and other entertainment in the Las Vegas, Nevada area. It would use GPS to locate the closest shows, and provide information such as directions to the venue, prices of the tickets (as well as the ability to purchase directly from the app), and nearby restaurants and bars.

Waffles VS Spaghetti

The assignment was to make infographics of opposing sides... What better topic than the battle of the sexes?

These posters provide information about the psychological differences between men and women. They explain why men's brains are like waffles, and women's brains are like spaghetti.

Each section of a man's life, or each of his thoughts, are in specific boxes, bounded by walls that he must hurdle over to get to the next thought.

Women, however, have no trouble jumping from thought to thought in a not so orderly fashion as everything in her life touches everything else.

Real facts support this comical phenomenon of Waffles VS Spaghetti

This is the first of many to come! 

For this project I will be doing a series of photographs, most including text and all including body paint. I'm taking the trial-and-error approach to this particular project, as I am not very experienced in body painting. 

For the next shoot, I will be using a different painting technique. More posts soon to come!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Class: Publications and Layout
Objective: Choose an author, create 3 book covers. This is one of the three that I chose (the others are still in progress). Roald Dahl, author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach was also a great poet. Although the audience of his novels and poems tend to be children, Dahl took a darker and yet humorous approach to some of the famous folk tales that we are all familiar with. I chose to design three books of poetry by Dahl, each with a different folk tale as the theme. The comic book portrayal of the characters helps to describe their personality and actions in Dahl's versions of each story. 

Here is the link to the poem Litte Red Riding Hood and the Wolf

Class: Publications and Layout
Objective: Create a possible cover for the Missouri Southern art department annual publication called Blixt. This book contains the work of the students who are currently enrolled in the art department. 

Class: Graphic Design/Digital Photography
Objective: Capture a self portrait of how you see you, not how others see you. Use studio lighting for this set up.

Class: Graphic Design/Digital Photography
Assignment: Photograph a glass of "champagne" in a studio setting. Create a photo that really sells the product.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Graphic Design I
Objective: Create a set of 7 symbols. I chose traditional tattoos for the theme of this assignment. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Graphic Design II
Assignment: Create a cereal product, create product identity and design packaging style. 

The target audience that I chose for this product was for children, ages 4-12. The cereal I "created" was a play on "dessert for breakfast". Colored cereal flakes mixed in with little dots of vanilla ice cream. After going through several combinations of winter themed words, the name "Snowflakes" came to me like an epiphany. 

As for the label design...I wanted it to be appealing to children. Luckily, my little brother very boldly volunteered for an interview to inform me of his cereal, cartoon, and ice cream preferences. So, we settled on a walrus for the face of the product. 

Graphic Design I
Assignment: Draw a word out of a hat ( I received "orange"), design a logo using the word as inspiration. 

I went for the first thought that popped in my head when I read the word "orange"... orange juice, of course. I wanted to create a logo that was clean, easy to identify, and "juicy". 

Class: Graphic Design II
Objective: Choose a country, design currency (3 paper bills)

           Vanuatu is a Polynesian island group made up of about 82 islands located in the South Pacific Ocean.  Their Independence from the United Kingdom and France was won in 1980 during the Coconut War, and the Republic of Vanuatu was formed. Although Vanuatu is now predominantly a Christian nation, the design of the currency was largely inspired by the traditional tribal customs that are still practiced today.
            The colors for the currency were based on the colors of the landscape of the islands. The one hundred vatu bill is made up of various hues of blue and turquoise. This was to represent the ocean and the beach. The peach and orange on the two hundred vatu bill represent the Strelitzia Raginae (Bird of Paradise) flower. There are several different types of these flowers, and they are all native to this part of the World. The flowers are vibrant hues of orange, yellow, and pink. The five hundred vatu bill is made up of greens and browns that represent the rich vegetation of the land, as the traditions of Vanuatu tribes respect their land very much.
            The symbols on the front of the bills all represent a characteristic of the country that helps define who the people are as a whole. On the one hundred vatu bill, the symbol on the front is an illustration of one of the many beaches. The islands of Vanuatu are made up of 1,571 miles of coastline. One the two hundred vatu bill, there is an illustration of two boar tusks. The boar tusks are seen as a symbol of wealth and prosperity throughout all of Vanuatu. The tusks grow in a circular fashion very slowly over time. The more rounded and coiled the tusks are, the more they are worth or respected. Many of the villagers wear the tusks as necklaces. On the five hundred vatu bill, there is an illustration of a person with striped body paint. This person is doing the Snake Dance, a dance that is often performed by the tribes at various initiation ceremonies. The body paint illustrated on the bill is common for this specific dance as it resembles a snake.
            The typeface for the currency was intended to be clear and easily read. The numbers are in Lowvetica Bold, and the letters are in Imprint MT Shadow. The busy textures and decorative layers on the bills required the text to be bold, simple, and most of the time with an outer glow.
            Vanuatu’s traditional and most basic characteristics are represented in the bills. The traditions that are most important to the islands are conveyed by the color and illustrations as well as the tribal and leafy design in the background. 

