Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Cooper Family

I am so incredibly happy for this family! Janene and I have been close friends for a long time, and I am so glad to see her so happy. This adorable little family will keep you laughing and in always in good spirits. I'm so glad we got some good shots despite the rain. These are a few of my favorites!

One of my favorite families!

I've known Holly and her kiddos since I was about 12 years old. What started as a hair stylist/client relationship quickly turned into a life-long friendship! We've spent lots of time together from week long roadtrips, rock concerts, and many mornings at the gym. I love Holly and her little family to pieces!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Rylie McCurdy and Family

This little princess has the biggest personality! I loved spending time with the McCurdy family. The light was perfect, and Rylie did a great job. Not only is she beautiful, but her giggle is contagious! I could have taken pictures of her all day! Here are a few of my favorites.

Combs Family Session

We couldn't have picked a more beautiful fall day to do these photos. Great weather and a great family! Both the kiddos and parents were so much fun. Thank you guys for letting me capture photos of your family!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

VanLue Family Session

I love this family so much! I'm very glad to call the VanLue's my friends and was so lucky to capture some family photos for them today. Carter has such a big personality and Corbin is absolutely precious. Here are a few of my favorites!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Christensen Family Photos

Okay, this family is SO much fun. I had a blast taking this family session. The weather was beautiful and I'm pretty sure the kids had fun playing in the leaves with me ;). Here are just a few of my favorites.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

James Wedding

Frank and Emilee's wedding day was absolutely gorgeous. The dress, the weather, the venue, all of it. I've known Frank since grade school, and I will say that shooting my former peers' weddings is making me feel quite old! I'm so glad he found Emilee, and I wish them both the best in their new adventure.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Taylor Wedding

Kristen is one of the sweetest, most loving, sincere, and Godly women I know. Not only does she have an amazing family (especially brother ;)), but her story is amazing as well. I was honored to capture Kristen and Ben's first of two big days. Their love story trumps all others I've heard so far. Two weddings, several countries, multi-lingual prayers, a lot of coffee, and two very special and in-love people. I thoroughly enjoyed taking photos at their first wedding in America and attending their second wedding in Australia. Talk about once-in-a-lifetime!